Friday 21 September 2012

Sept 20-21 2012

1. My grandmother dyed her hair orange and bought a leopard print dress. My aunt didn't appreciate her transformation and so my grandmother disowned her. I was furious.

2. My cousin Molly and I were flying a strange contraption in a massive indoor arena. Only this drawing can possibly explain:

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sept 17-18 2012

#1 I am a korean girl, watching myself from the outside. I grew up in North America. I've got close friends here, and have lots of fun, but I am accepted into a Korean University. I somehow show up in Korea. I decide to wear a beautiful orange skirt with white herons printed on it. Someone starts yelling, and all of a sudden they are ripping the skirt off of me and tearing it to shreds. I have a flashback/memory of wearing a heron-printed dress  in my home in North America and my father yelling at me. Apparently, White Herons are bad luck, or something.

#2 I am escaping from Prison. How did I get here? Who knows.  I walk through a concrete hallway with a metal barricaded gate/door at the end. Someone left the keys in the lock, perfect. I open the door and expect to hear sirens.... nothing. I step onto the grass and move silently into the night.

#3 I am observing a scene in a cave. There is a pool of water in the cave, and two people are swimming in it, a young boy and his older mentor/teacher/professor. They look like  lego people, but poorly slapped together. The older man suddenly gets out of the water, but he leaves his lego-legs inside. The boy looks astonished. " Lost my real ones in 'nam" he boasts. " Those ones are my swimmin' legs" .

#4 I bake a Korean recipe. Banana cake. It's layers of banana cake with banana filling and graham crackers on top. When I take it out of the oven, the  crackers have turned to almonds. Magic of the banana cake.

#5 My cousin, Emma, and I are on a mission. We heard there's a place where it suddenly turns to summer. We lead our families over some rough terrain, and unfortunately they have all forgotten their shoes. We get to a dock, which is made out of ice. On the other side of the water we can see summer. We know we could die of hypothermia trying to get there, but we take that risk. Emma and I remove our shoes and jump in, still wearing our clothes. For some reason, it's important our shoes don't get wet. We swim, carrying our shoes above our heads which doesn't seem to be too difficult , and  climb out of the water into summer. It's so hot here. Emma's mother notices a leach on Emma's forehead. Emma uses my pant-leg to wipe it off. We find the beach but it's barricaded off by these HUGE cement dividers. There is one opening with a line of people trying to get in. We climb over the barricades and jump into the ocean.